Bear outline
Bear outline

bear outline

be aware that cooking odours can attract bears.remove all utensils, dishes and food after eating.empty the grease trap every time you barbecue.burn off food residue and wash the grill right away.if you rent your cottage, tell your tenants the importance of being Bear Wise.if you are away for an extended period of time, have someone you trust check in and look for signs of a bear visitor or break in.even non-food items like suntan lotion, insect repellent, soap and candles attract bears.a box of pudding or fruit-flavoured dessert mix is all it takes to attract a bear.when packing up, remember to remove all the food from the inside of your not leave any food or food scraps outdoors for pets or other wildlife.take your barbecue with you when you leave the cottage, or clean it and store it in a secure shed.never discard cooking grease outside: place it in a container with a lid, transfer it to a plastic bag and include it with other properly stored garbage.use a strong disinfectant to eliminate all odours from garbage and recycling containers and lids.remove your garbage: take it home or drop it off at an approved waste disposal site on your way.encourage your neighbours to practice Bear Wise habits.never purposely feed bears (or other wildlife) or try to approach them.pick all ripe fruit off trees, and remove vegetables and fallen fruit from the not put meat, fish or sweet food (including fruit) in your outdoor not use outdoor fridges or freezers, including beverage fridges, as these may attract bears to your property.remove grease and food residue from barbecue grills, including the grease trap, after each use.keep meat scraps in the freezer until garbage day.if you have garbage pickup, only put garbage out on garbage day, not the night not stockpile garbage - take it to an approved waste disposal site not store garbage in plywood boxes, old freezers or garbage in a bear-resistant container with a tight-fitting lid, secure shed or garage.fill bird feeders only through the winter months.Here are some tips to help avoid these unwanted visitors: Whether you are closing the cottage for the season, or just between stays, you can take a few simple precautions to avoid problems with bears and other animals. It takes all cottagers working together to eliminate these attractants and to stop bear problems. If bears are rewarded with feasts of bird food, garbage or pet food, they will return as long as the food source is available. When bears pick up a scent with their keen noses, they will investigate it – even at your cottage.

bear outline

Most human-bear conflicts occur when bears are attracted by smells and rewarded with an easy meal. burn any food scraps/fat drippings thoroughly in a hot fire.eliminate food odours from your campsite and wash dishes immediately after each meal.

bear outline

  • hang food and garbage at least four metres (13 feet) above the ground and three metres (10 feet) from tree limbs or trunks that can support a bear.
  • store food in a bear resistant location or container.
  • When backcountry camping away from a vehicle, store food properly so bears cannot access it.
  • routinely take your garbage to the park’s waste depot.
  • clean food preparation areas promptly after use.
  • #Bear outline windows#

    pack and store these items in your vehicle, out of sight, with windows closed (not in a truck bed or outside of the vehicle).never cook, eat or store any food (including snacks), coolers, cooking equipment or toiletries in your tent.Items like unwashed utensils, food packaging, toiletries and trash are tasty treats for bears. Bear spray is highly effective at deterring bears at close rangeīears are attracted to anything that looks or smells like food. understand the use and limitations of bear spray and carry it where it’s easy to access.avoid strong fragrances that may cause a bear to be curious, put any food you are carrying in sealed containers in your pack.rise slowly if you are in a crouched position so that you don’t startle nearby attention, especially if you are working, gardening or berry picking.leash your dog-an uncontrolled, untrained dog may lead a bear to for signs of bear activity such as tracks, claw marks on trees, flipped-over rocks or fresh bear droppings.scan your surroundings and do not wear in groups of two or more-people who travel alone are most vulnerable.To avoid bear-human encounters while outdoors in bear country:

    Bear outline